Summon Cave Grubs †
In the deep caverns of the earth strange worms and crawling beasts can be found. The Cave Grubs are huge larvae with highly corrosive saliva able to dig through the earth and stone of the under-earth. Their tunnels are used by the Pale ones and other cave dwellers. Cave Grubs have weak minds and are easy to control and compel with magic, but they need magical leadership. They are sometimes summoned to be used in sieges.
大地の深い洞窟では、奇妙な虫や這いずる獣を見ることができます。Cave Grubは、地下の土や石を掘りぬくことができる、強い腐食性のある唾を持つ、巨大な幼虫です。彼らの穴は、Pale Oneやその他の洞窟に住まうものに利用されます。Cave Grubの意思は弱く、魔法によって容易く操作し、強要することができますが、彼らはまた魔法的な指揮を必要とします。彼らは時折、包囲戦に用いるために召喚されます。
Spirit Curse †
The caster summons a malign spirit from the underworld and coerces it to curse an enemy. In return, it is set free to wreak havoc on the living. The spirit never joins battle.
Black Servant †
The Black Servant is a creature made out of solid darkness. It is stealthy and is often used to scout enemy provinces.
Black Servantは、固形化した闇から成る生物です。それは忍びやかで、しばしば敵の州の偵察に利用されます。
Tangle Vines †
Vines will ensnare anyone in the targeted area. The ensnared victims cannot move or attack anyone until they have destroyed the vines holding them. The stronger a victim is, the faster the vines will be destroyed and the more fertile the province is, the stronger the vines will be.
Summon Sea Dogs †
Life underneath the waves corresponds in many ways to that on dry land. The Sea Dog is a dog with webbed feet and fish scales instead of fur. Sea Dogs are amphibious and roam the shorelines at night.
波間の下の生命は、様々な形で陸地のそれと一致します。Sea Dogは、水かきのある足と、毛皮の代わりに魚の鱗を持つ犬です。Sea Dogは水陸両棲で、夜に海岸線を徘徊します。
Summon Crocodiles †
This ritual summons a few crocodiles and have them assist in battles. Crocodiles are not well suited to fight against humans, but their bite can still be deadly for soldiers who are neither well armored nor fast enough to evade.
Summon Animals †
The caster summons several animals and binds them to his service. Different animals answer the call in different terrains.
Summon Fire Ants †
This ritual summons a bunch of extremely large fire ants. The ants are larger than horses and a lot more dangerous. Unfortunately they are also dumber than horses and need a mage to control them in order to be useful.
この儀式は、極めて巨大なFire Antの一団を召喚します。この蟻は馬よりも大きく、それよりも遥かに危険です。残念ながら、彼らはまた馬よりも愚かであり、役立つように制御するには魔術師が必要です。
Summon Storm Power †
During a storm, this spell can be used to channel the power of the storm through the mage. This enables the mage to cast more powerful Air magic spells (Air magic bonus: 1). This spell only works during a storm.
Summon Water Power †
The mage gathers power from the surrounding water to enable him to cast more powerful Water magic spells (Water magic bonus: 1). This spell can only be cast underwater.
Summon Ogres †
The caster summons a group of Ogres and convinces them to serve. Ogres are large, strong and stupid humanoids that find humans delicious.
Summon Shades †
The caster summons a group of Shades to serve him. Shades are dark spirits from the Shade Lands between the land of the living and the Underworld. They are ethereal and able to drain the strength of living beings.
Pack of Wolves †
The caster summons a pack of ferocious wolves and binds them to service.
Summon Horned Serpents †
The mage summons and binds several large, venomous serpents.
Summon Killer Mantis †
This ritual summons a bunch of giant killer mantis. These beasts are as large as fully grown moose and they are well equipped to kill with their amazing speed and sharp claws. In addition to being dangerous, they are also very stupid and need a mage in order to control them.
この儀式は、Killer Mantisの一団を召喚します。これらの獣は、成長しきったヘラジカに匹敵するほど大きく、また鋭い爪と凄まじい速度で、殺しのための良い素養を備えます。その危険性に加え、彼らはまた極めて愚かであり、彼らの制御には魔術師が必要です。
Summon Lesser Fire Elemental †
The caster summons a Lesser Fire Elemental to aid him in a battle. Fire Elementals are difficult to harm and dangerous to be near. Elementals shrink when they are hit by powerful strikes.
術者は戦いを手助けさせるため、下等なFire Elementalを召喚します。Fire Elementalを傷付けるのは難しく、また近付くだけでさえ危険です。Elementalは、強力な一撃を受けると退縮します。
Bind Scorpion Beast †
The caster summons and binds a huge scorpion. The Scorpion Beast has a mighty stinger, which is poisonous and can pierce even the thickest armor.
術者は巨大な蠍を召喚し、束縛します。このScorpion Beastは、最も分厚い鎧さえも貫くことができる、有毒で大きな針を持っています。
Phoenix Power †
This spell enables the mage to cast more powerful Fire spells (Fire magic bonus: 1) and also grants him resistance to fire.
Summon Lesser Air Elemental †
The caster summons a Lesser Air Elemental to aid him in battle. Air Elementals can fly and can send enemies flying through the air. They are very difficult to harm. Elementals shrink when they are hit by powerful strikes.
術者は戦いを手助けさせるため、下等なAir Elementalを召喚します。Air Elementalは飛行でき、また敵を吹き飛ばすことができます。彼らを傷付けるのは非常に困難です。Elementalは、強力な一撃を受けると退縮します。
Call of the Winds †
Summons a Great Hawk, along with a large flock of Black Hawks, in a province far away. Great Hawks are intelligent and can command troops.
遠方の州において、Black Hawkの群れと共に、Great Hawkを召喚します。Great Hawkは知的で、部隊を指揮することができます。
Summon Amphiptere †
The caster summons an Amphiptere. The Amphiptere is a winged serpent almost the size of an elephant. It can fly and its breath is poisonous.
Summon Lesser Water Elemental †
The caster summons a Lesser Water Elemental to aid him in battle. Water Elementals are quick and crush enemies regardless of their armor. Elementals shrink when they are hit by powerful strikes. Water Elementals summoned in cold climates will be composed of ice. Ice Elementals are stronger but slower than Water Elementals.
術者は戦いを手助けさせるため、下等なWater Elementalを召喚します。Water Elementalは素早く、その防具に関係なく敵を粉砕することができます。Elementalは、強力な一撃を受けると退縮します。寒冷な気候で召喚されたWater Elementalは、氷から成ります。Ice Elementalは、Water Elementalよりも強力ですが、より鈍重です。
Summon Yetis †
The caster summons a group of Yeti from the mountains. The Yeti is a huge ape-like monster of the mountain glaciers. Yetis are gifted with magical strength and are always surrounded by by icy winds.
Summon Cave Cows †
The mage ventures down into a deep cavern to summon and bind a herd of Cave Cows. Cave Cows are strange beings from the under-earth that feeds on fungi and minerals. Its saliva is highly corrosive and can dissolve rocks and minerals. Cave Cows can only be summoned in cave provinces.
魔術師は深い洞窟の奥へと冒険し、Cave Cowの群れを召喚して支配します。Cave Cowは、菌類や鉱物を食べる、地下に住む奇妙な生物です。その唾液は強い腐食性を持ち、岩や鉱物を分解することができます。Cave Cowは、洞窟の州でのみ召喚できます。
Call Kraken †
Summons a huge octopoid beast to serve its caller. The beast is aquatic and cannot leave the sea.
Summon Lesser Earth Elemental †
The caster summons a Lesser Earth Elemental to aid him in battle. Earth Elementals are robust and regenerate damage. They can trample enemies or strike with mighty fists. Elementals shrink when they are hit by powerful strikes.
術者は戦いを支援させるため、下等なEarth Elementalを召喚します。Earth Elementalは強健で、損傷を自己修復します。彼らは敵を蹂躙するか、その強力な拳で攻撃します。Elementalは、強力な一撃を受けると退縮します。
Summon Cave Crab †
The Cave Crab resembles an ordinary crab, only larger than a horse instead of a lot smaller than one. It has a thick outer skeleton and one enormous claw that is capable of pinching through just about anything. The Cave Crab is usually not aggressive but wise beings leaves it alone as it scuttles along sideways in the caverns. The crab feeds mainly on fungi and dead cave beings, but if presented with the opportunity it might very well produce a few extra dead cave beings to feed on later. With this ritual the mage summons one of the giant crabs and makes it ready to be released upon an enemy army.
Cave Crabは普通の蟹に似ていますが、普通の蟹が馬よりも遥かに小さい一方、彼らは馬よりもさらに大型です。彼らは分厚い外骨格を持ち、なんでも挟み切ることができる、一つの巨大な鋏を持っています。Cave Crabは通常、攻撃的ではありませんが、賢明なものたちは、彼らが洞窟の脇道を動き回るのを邪魔しようとはしません。この蟹は、主に菌類や死んだ洞窟の生物を食べていますが、その機会を与えられたならば、彼らは後で食べるための死んだ洞窟の生物をいくつか、とても容易に作るでしょう。この儀式により、魔術師はこれらの巨大な蟹の一体を召喚し、敵軍に向けて解き放つ準備をします。
Summon Earthpower †
The Earth will lend its endurance to the mage. All Earth spells will be less demanding to cast (Earth magic bonus: 1) and the mage will be constantly invigorated by the Earth's power.
Power of the Spheres †
This spell makes the caster more powerful in all paths of magic (magic bonus: 1).
Dark Knowledge †
The caster summons a spirit of the Underworld and coerces it to reveal knowledge of sites of Death in a distant province. The spell can not be used to find magic in enemy provinces.
Revive Wights †
With this ritual, the necromancer revives a small group of Wights and binds them to serve. Wights are armed with horrible Bane Blades that cause mortal flesh to decay and shrivel.
この儀式により、降霊術士はWightの小集団を蘇生し、彼に仕えるよう束縛します。Wightは、生者の肉体を腐らせ、萎びさせる、恐るべきBane Bladeで武装しています。
Revive Bane †
With this ritual, the necromancer revives a Bane and binds him to service. The Bane is armed with a Bane Blade. Banes are the generals of the Underworld and are able to lead large numbers of undead.
この儀式により、降霊術士はBaneを蘇生し、彼に仕えるよう束縛します。Baneは、Bane Bladeで武装しています。Baneは冥界の将軍であり、多数のアンデッドを指揮することができます。
Awaken Vine Men †
The mage awakens some Vine Men and persuades them to serve him. Vine Men are masses of roots, vines and moss in the general form of a humanoid. Vine Men will return to their slumbering state if left without magic leadership on the battlefield.
魔術師は、幾らかのVine Manを呼び覚まし、彼に仕えるよう説得します。Vine Manは、人型生物の一般的な形をした、根、蔓、苔の集合体です。Vine Manは、戦場に魔法的な指揮なしで取り残された場合、その微睡へと戻ります。
Awaken Algae Men †
The mage awakens some Algae Men and persuades them to serve him. Algae Men are masses of corals, algae and other kinds of sea weed in the general form of a humanoid. Algae Men will return to their slumbering state if left without magic leadership on the battlefield.
魔術師は、幾らかのAlgae Manを呼び覚まし、彼に仕えるよう説得します。Algae Manは、人型生物の一般的な形をした、珊瑚、藻類や、その他の海藻の集合体です。Algae Manは、戦場に魔法的な指揮なしで取り残された場合、その微睡へと戻ります。
Summon Sea Lions †
Life underneath the waves corresponds in many ways to that on dry land. The Sea Lion is a great aquatic lion with a fish tail instead of hind quarters. It is a ferocious predator.
波間の下の生命は、様々な形で陸地のそれと一致します。Sea Lionは、下半身の代わりに魚の尾を持つ、大型の水棲の獅子です。彼らは獰猛な捕食者です。
Summon Bog Beasts †
The mage summons and binds a few Bog Beasts. Bog Beasts are large poison-spitting creatures surrounded by the noxious fumes they breathe.
魔術師は、少数のBog Beastを召喚し、束縛します。Bog Beastは、大型の毒を吐く生物で、自らが吐く有毒な臭気に包まれています。
Call of the Wild †
Summons a werewolf and a large pack of wolves in a distant forest. The werewolf is under the command of its summoner. This spell is most effective when a forest province is targeted.
Summon Fire Drake †
The caster summons a Fire Drake and binds it to his service. The Fire Drake is a huge and scaly beast, able to breathe fire like a dragon.
術者はFire Drakeを召喚し、彼に仕えるよう束縛します。Fire Drakeは巨大な、鱗を持つ獣で、Dragonのように炎を吐くことができます。
Summon Flame Jelly †
The caster summons some Flame Jellies and binds them to his service. Flame Jellies are strange jellyfish sprung from the heat of magma vents. They radiate heat, and are strangely resistant to magic.
術者は幾らかのFlame Jellyを召喚し、彼に仕えるよう束縛します。Flame Jellyは、岩漿の穴の熱から生まれた、奇妙な海月です。彼らは熱を放射し、また奇妙なほどに魔法に抵抗します。
Summon Wyverns †
The caster summons two wyverns and binds them to his service. The wyvern is a large, scaly beast with leathery wings and a poison stinger.
Summon Gryphons †
The caster summons and takes control of a convocation of gryphons. The Gryphon is a mythical beast, part lion, part eagle. It nests in remote mountains and reputedly collects gems to attract a mate.
School of Sharks †
The caster attracts several small sharks and makes them attack the enemies. Sharks are very stupid and not entirely reliable. Powerful mages can attract large numbers of sharks.
Voice of Apsu †
The caster conjures the dreams of Apsu, the Fresh Water Underneath. He has knowledge of all sweet water. The voice of his dreams, when rightly interpreted, reveals sites of Water power located above the surface. The dreams will find their way to everyone living in the targeted province and the magical sites will no longer be hidden.
Summon Ice Drake †
The caster summons an Ice Drake and binds it to his service. The Ice Drake is a huge and scaly beast, able to breathe bolts of frost.
術者はIce Drakeを召喚し、彼に仕えるよう束縛します。Ice Drakeは巨大な、鱗を持つ獣で、冷気の太矢を吐くことができます。
Summon Sea Serpent †
The caster summons a Sea Serpent and binds it to his service. The Serpent is a huge and scaly beast with a deadly bite. It cannot leave the sea.
術者はSea Serpentを召喚し、彼に仕えるよう束縛します。このSerpentは巨大な、鱗を持つ獣で、致命的な噛み付きを備えます。彼らは海を離れることはできません。
Summon Cave Drake †
The caster summons a Cave Drake and binds it to his service. The Cave Drake is a huge beast with incredibly thick scales.
術者はCave Drakeを召喚し、彼に仕えるよう束縛します。Cave Drakeは巨大で、非常に分厚い鱗を持ちます。
Light of the Northern Star †
This spell makes all wizards on the battlefield more powerful in Astral magic (Astral magic bonus: 1).
Summon Lammashtas †
The caster summons two Lammashtas to the battle. A Lammashta is a horrific angelic being that serves the Lord of the Underworld. Ethereal and capable of flight, these female entities wield Wraith Swords, which drain the life from those wounded by their blades. They do not serve the caster but rather the Lord of the Underworld. They will appear at the edge of the battlefield and will probably not attack the caster at the start of the battle.
術者は二体のLammashtaを戦闘に召喚します。Lammashtaは、冥界の王に仕える、恐ろしい天使のような存在です。霊体で飛行能力を備えるこの女性型の存在は、その刃で傷付いたものから生命力を吸収する、Wraith Swordを持ちます。彼女らは術者ではなく冥界の王に仕えます。彼女らは戦場の端に現れ、恐らく戦いが始まった時点では術者を攻撃しないでしょう。
Summon Shade Beasts †
The caster summons several Shade Beasts to serve him. Shade Beasts are black hounds with bared skulls. They are ethereal, but are not as powerful as Spectres or Wights.
術者は幾らかのShade Beastを召喚し、彼に仕えさせます。Shade Beastは、剥き出しの頭蓋骨を持つ黒い猟犬です。彼らは霊体ですが、SpectreやWightほどの力は持ちません。
Maggots †
The mage conjures thousands of maggots, which will start to feed upon an undead being. The maggots will slowly but surely consume the undead. Large undead can survive the maggots by removing them after they have become satiated. Ethereal undead are rarely affected by the spell.
Summon Leogryphs †
With this ritual a convocation of Leogryphs are summoned and controlled. The Leogryph is a mythical halfbeast, part lion, part eagle. It is by some scholars considered to be a degenerate form of the gryphon. They are only slightly stronger than lions, but their mythical heritage makes them more resistant to magic effects.
Summon Swamp Drake †
The mage summons a Swamp Drake and binds it to his service. The Swamp Drake is a huge and spined beast, able to breathe toxic gas like a dragon.
術者はSwamp Drakeを召喚し、彼に仕えるよう束縛します。Swamp Drakeは巨大な、棘を持つ獣で、Dragonのように有毒な気体を吐くことができます。
Awaken Vine Ogres †
The mage awakens a pair of Vine Ogres and persuades them to serve him. The Vine Ogre is a strange creature composed of roots, vines and moss. They have the general form of a large humanoid. Vine Ogres will return to their slumbering state if there are no commanders on the battlefield.
魔術師は、幾らかのVine Ogreを呼び覚まし、彼に仕えるよう説得します。Vine Ogreは、根、蔓、苔から成る、奇妙な生物です。彼らは大きな人型生物の標準的な形をしています。Vine Ogreは、戦場に魔法的な指揮なしで取り残された場合、その微睡へと戻ります。
Summon Kithaironic Lion †
The caster summons a Kithaironic Lion and binds it to his service. The Lion is large and has an exceptionally thick hide.
術者はKithaironic Lionを召喚し、彼に仕えるよう束縛します。この獅子は大型で、並外れた分厚さの皮を持ちます。
Strength of Gaia †
The caster connects himself with the might of the living Earth. This connection gives him regenerative abilities, increased strength, a rougher skin and increased Nature magic power (Nature magic bonus: 1).
Will o' the Wisp †
Two Will o' the Wisps are summoned to help their summoner in battle. They appear at the edges of the battle field. A Will o' the Wisp is a glowing sphere, looking like a light from a bright lantern. In combat, it glows with great intensity, burning anyone nearby. It is very difficult to hit a Will o' the Wisp in combat due to its great speed and small size.
二体のWill o' the Wispは、召喚者の戦いを助けるため召喚されます。彼らは戦場の端に現れます。Will o' the Wispは、明るい角灯の光のように見える、輝く球体です。戦闘においては、彼らは極めて強く輝き、近くのもの全てを焼き焦がします。その優れた速度と小ささゆえに、戦闘中、Will o' the Wispに攻撃を当てるのは非常に困難です。
Summon Fire Elemental †
The Caster summons a Fire Elemental to aid him in a battle. Fire Elementals are difficult to harm and dangerous to be near. Elementals shrink when they are hit by powerful strikes.
術者は戦いを手助けさせるため、Fire Elementalを召喚します。Fire Elementalを傷付けるのは難しく、また近付くだけでさえ危険です。Elementalは、強力な一撃を受けると退縮します。
Summon Summer Lions †
The caster summons and binds five Summer Lions. The Summer Lion is one of the four seasonal spirits. It is a large, ethereal lion, radiating heat like the summer sun. It is a magical, mindless being that must be commanded by a mage.
術者は5体のSummer Lionを召喚し、束縛します。Summer Lionは四季の精霊の一種です。彼らは大型で霊体の獅子で、夏の太陽のように熱を放射します。彼らは魔法的な、意志を持たない存在で、魔術師によって指揮されなくてはなりません。
Summon Air Elemental †
The caster summons an Air Elemental to aid him in battle. Air Elementals can fly and can send enemies flying through the air. They are very difficult to harm. Elementals shrink when they are hit by powerful strikes.
術者は戦いを手助けさせるため、Air Elementalを召喚します。Air Elementalは飛行でき、また敵を吹き飛ばすことができます。彼らを傷付けるのは非常に困難です。Elementalは、強力な一撃を受けると退縮します。
Summon Spring Hawks †
The caster summons and binds five Spring Hawks. The Spring Hawk is one of the four seasonal spirits. It is a large, ethereal hawk able to discharge lightning bolts. It is a magical, mindless being that must be commanded by a mage.
術者は5体のSpring Hawkを召喚し、束縛します。Spring Hawkは四季の精霊の一種です。彼らは大型で霊体の鷹で、電撃を放射することができます。彼らは魔法的な、意志を持たない存在で、魔術師によって指揮されなくてはなりません。
Contact Draconians †
The caster summons a tribe of sixteen Draconians and binds them to his service. The Draconians are large beings that resemble both human and dragon.
Raven Feast †
The caster summons an unkindness of ravens and sends them into a distant province to feast upon the newly dead. The ravens consume the rotting corpses and return to be slaughtered for the raw death essence they then contain. Provinces struck by plagues or containing recent battlefields can give the caster large amounts of Death gems. All unburied dead in a province are consumed. Enemy provinces can be targeted.
Wind Ride †
The Air mage summons a whirlwind in a province of his choice. The whirlwind will try to find a commander in the province and transport him to where the Air mage is located. This spell is an effective way to rescue cornered commanders, but it can also be a very effective way to get enemy commanders out of the way. Large beings are difficult or impossible to lift, as are powerful Earth mages.
Voice of Tiamat †
The caster conjures up the dreams of Tiamat, the Raging Sea. She has knowledge of all that lies underneath the sea. The voice of her dreams, when rightly interpreted, reveals all sites of Elemental power in a sea. The dreams will find their way to everyone living in that province and the magical sites will no longer be secret. This spell can only be cast under water.
Summon Water Elemental †
The caster summons a Water Elemental to aid him in battle. Water Elementals are quick and crush enemies regardless of armor. Elementals shrink when they are hit by powerful strikes. Water Elementals summoned in cold climates will be composed of ice. Ice Elementals are stronger but slower than Water Elementals.
術者は戦いを手助けさせるため、Water Elementalを召喚します。Water Elementalは素早く、その防具に関係なく敵を粉砕することができます。Elementalは、強力な一撃を受けると退縮します。寒冷な気候で召喚されたWater Elementalは、氷から成ります。Ice Elementalは、Water Elementalよりも強力ですが、より鈍重です。
Contact Sea Trolls †
The caster contacts a few Sea Trolls and persuades them to serve in exchange for the chance to eat a child or two. Sea Trolls are robust humanoid creatures of huge size. They are larger than ordinary Trolls, but their skin is softer. Sea Trolls are known to regenerate wounds and can enter the sea.
術者は少数のSea Trollに接触し、子供を一人二人食べる機会と引き換えに、仕えるよう説得します。Sea Trollは巨大で逞しい人型生物です。彼らは一般的なTrollよりも大型ですが、彼らの皮膚はより柔らかいです。Sea Trollは傷を再生することで知られ、また海に入ることができます。
Summon Winter Wolves †
The caster summons and binds five Winter Wolves. The Winter Wolf is one of the four seasonal spirits. It is a large, ethereal wolf surrounded by an icy wind. It is a magical, mindless being that must be commanded by a mage.
術者は5体のWinter Wolfを召喚し、束縛します。Winter Wolfは四季の精霊の一種です。彼らは大型で霊体の狼で、氷のように冷たい風に包まれています。彼らは魔法的な、意志を持たない存在で、魔術師によって指揮されなくてはなりません。
Contact Naiad †
The caster goes to a river and makes a deal with a Naiad. Naiads are river spirits that manifest themselves as incredibly beautiful women. Few mortals would dream of harming a Naiad. They are connected with their river and slowly die when they leave their home. Naiads are powerful mages of Water and Nature
Naiad Warriors †
The caster summons fifteen Kydnides, warrior Naiads willing to leave their native river to wreak vengeance upon those who harm the rivers of the world. Kydnides manifest themselves as incredibly beautiful women dressed in gleaming bronze armor. Unlike other Naiads, Kydnides do not die if they leave their home.
Summon Earth Elemental †
The caster summons an Earth Elemental to aid him in a battle. Earth Elementals are robust and regenerate damage. They can trample enemies or strike with mighty fists. Elementals shrink when they are hit by powerful strikes.
術者は戦いを支援させるため、Earth Elementalを召喚します。Earth Elementalは強健で、損傷を自己修復します。彼らは敵を蹂躙するか、その強力な拳で攻撃します。Elementalは、強力な一撃を受けると退縮します。
Summon Fall Bears †
The caster summons and binds five Fall Bears. The Fall Bear is one of the four seasonal spirits. It is a large, ethereal bear. It is a magical, mindless being that must be commanded by a mage.
術者は5体のFall Bearを召喚し、束縛します。Fall Bearは四季の精霊の一種です。彼らは大型で霊体の熊です。彼らは魔法的な、意志を持たない存在で、魔術師によって指揮されなくてはなりません。
Contact Trolls †
The caster contacts a few Trolls and persuades them to serve in exchange for the chance to eat a child or two. Trolls are robust humanoid creatures with stonelike skin. Trolls are known to regenerate wounds very quickly.
Acashic Record †
This spell lets the caster access the acashic records to find out the history for one nation. The spell must be targeted on a capital to give any useful information.
Spirit Mastery †
The caster summons spirits of the newly dead and prevents them from entering the Underworld. The spirits are ethereal but quite weak.
Ghost Grip †
The caster summons energies from beyond the grave to target some troops on the battlefield. The targeted troops lose some of their life energy and become exhausted. The effect of the Ghost Grip is reduced by heavy armor.
術者は墓の向こう側からの力を呼び起こし、戦場の数名の兵士を標的とします。標的とされた兵士たちは、その生命力の一部を失い、消耗します。Ghost Gripの影響は、強力な鎧によって軽減できます。
Corpse Candle †
Some Corpse Candles are summoned to help their summoner in battle. They appear at the edges of the battlefield. A Corpse Candle is a glowing sphere, appearing like the light from a bright green lantern. In combat, its light intensifies and anyone touched by the light will start to age at increased speed. It is very difficult to hit the Corpse Candle in combat due to its great speed and small size.
何体かのCorpse Candleは、召喚者の戦いを助けるため召喚されます。彼らは戦場の端に現れます。Corpse Candleは、明るい緑色の角灯の光のように見える、輝く球体です。戦闘においては、その光は強まり、光に触れたものは皆、より早く老化していきます。その優れた速度と小ささゆえに、戦闘中、Corpse Candleに攻撃を当てるのは非常に困難です。
Revive Bane Lord †
With this ritual, the necromancer revives a Bane Lord, an ancient hero serving the Lord of the Underworld. Bane Lords are mighty warriors and skilled generals.
この儀式により、降霊術士は、冥界の王に仕える古代の英雄、Bane Lordを蘇生します。Bane Lordは強き戦士であり、また熟練した将軍でもあります。
Summon Manticore †
The Manticore, or man-eater, is a horrible half-beast that prowls the wilderness. Sometimes they attack remote villages and devours its inhabitants and livestock. The Manticore have a body and mane of a lion, the head of an imbecile man with three rows of teeth, great flapping wings and the tail of a scorpion. It is horrible to behold and strikes fear in the hearts of men.
Howl †
The caster summons a pack of wolves to aid him in battle. The wolves will come from all directions and may even attack the enemy from behind. This spell is twice as effective if used in forest or mountain terrain.
Spirits of the Wood †
The caster summons several spirits that inhabit ancient trees. These Woodland Spirits are stunningly beautiful, ethereal and regenerate wounds as long as their trees are not destroyed. They never leave the land of their home.
術者は、太古の樹に住まう精霊を幾らか召喚します。このWoodland Spiritは驚くほどの美しさを持つ霊体で、その樹が滅ぼされない限り、傷を再生します。彼女らがその住処がある地を離れることは決してありません。
Contact Forest Trolls †
The caster contacts a few Forest Trolls and persuades them to serve in exchange for the chance to eat a child or two. Forest Trolls are slightly smaller than ordinary trolls, but they are also more cunning. Trolls are known to regenerate wounds very quickly.
術者は少数のForest Trollに接触し、子供を一人二人食べる機会と引き換えに、仕えるよう説得します。Forest Trollは一般的なTrollよりも少し小柄ですが、彼らはまたより狡猾でもあります。Trollは傷を非常に早く再生することで知られています。
Winged Monkeys †
The caster summons a troop of winged monkeys and sends them away to fetch a commander from a distant land. The monkeys will try to grab and fly away with the helpless commander, but will attack if the target is too heavy. The monkeys are afraid of mages and will never try to snatch a mage from the ground. The monkeys leave after they have accomplished their mission.
Awaken Sleeper †
The caster locates and awakens an ancient hero from his eternal sleep. The Sleeper is a huge human hero armed with ancient weapons, waiting for the final cataclysmic battle that will decide the fate of the world. The hero is awakened and made to serve the caster until that time. The Sleeper is an exceptionally good general and soldiers under his command will rarely be routed from battle.
Vermin Feast †
The caster makes vermin like rats and cockroaches (or shrimps and crabs) attracted to the supply stores of a besieged castle. The vermin will make sure that the supplies do not last very long. The more gems spent in this ritual the longer it will last. Having more than one Vermin Feast ritual active on the same province will not add to the effect and the ritual has no effect on an unbesieged castle.
術者は、鼠やゴキブリ、または海老や蟹のような害虫を、包囲された要塞の食糧庫へと誘き寄せます。これらの害虫は、食糧が長くは持たないことを確実にします。より多くの宝石を費やすほど、この儀式はより長く持続します。一つの州に複数のVermin Feastを起動しても効果は増幅されず、また包囲されていない要塞には何の効果もありません。
Summon Fire Snakes †
The caster summons and binds several Fire Snakes. Fire Snakes are large serpents with golden skin. Their smoldering bodies can release blazing flames if threatened. Their bite is highly poisonous.
術者は幾らかのFire Snakeを召喚し、束縛します。Fire Snakeは、金色の皮膚を持つ大蛇です。彼らの燻る身体は、脅威に晒された際に焼け付く炎を解き放つことができます。彼らの噛み付きは強い毒性を持ちます。
Summon Flame Spirit †
This ritual summons a Flame Spirit. Flame Spirits are beings made of pure fire that are highly skilled in fire magic. In combat they are helped by the Will o' the Wisps that surround them.
この儀式は、Flame Spiritを召喚します。Flame Spiritは、純粋な炎から成る存在で、火の魔法に大いに熟練しています。戦闘に際しては、彼らは自らを囲むWill o' the Wispによって手助けされます。
Summon Great Eagles †
Great Eagles are eagles large enough to carry a horse and fierce enough to battle a dragon. They are quite intelligent and can understand human speech. They live in mountain regions far from men, but can be summoned by powerful mages.
Great Eagleは、馬を運べるほど大きく、竜と戦えるほどに獰猛な鷲です。彼らはとても知的で、人間の言葉を理解することができます。彼らは人間からは離れた山岳地帯に住んでいますが、強力な魔術師によって召喚することができます。
Summon Bishop Fish †
The caster summons a Bishop Fish. The legendary Bishop Fish is a strange fish with fins resembling priestly robes. It is a powerful priest, but it cannot leave its maritime realm.
術者はBishop Fishを召喚します。伝説的なBishop Fishは、聖職者の外套に似た鰭を持つ、奇妙な魚です。彼らは強大な聖職者ですが、その海の領域を離れることはできません。
Shark Attack †
The caster attracts sharks to the smell of blood in the water. For the duration of the battle, there is a chance that a shark will arrive whenever a living being is wounded. The sharks are stupid, but the spell is strong enough to make them attack enemies more often than friends.
Sea King's Court †
The caster contacts a Sea King and his retinue of fifteen Sea Trolls. The Sea King is a powerful Water mage who may grant humans water-breathing abilities if they accompany him.
術者は、Sea Kingとその15名の随員に接触します。Sea Kingは、同行する人間に水中呼吸能力を与えることができる、強力な水の魔術師です。
Streams from Hades †
The caster draws forth water from the Underworld and summons a Kokythiad. Kokythiai are Naiads of Kokytos, a river of the Underworld. They are powerful mages of Water and Death whose aura of fear terrifies most mortals.
Contact Hill Giant †
This ritual summons a Giant and forces him to serve. Apart from being large and strong, giants are also very dumb and cruel. Encountering a giant in the wild should be avoided at all costs.
Troll King's Court †
The caster contacts a Troll King and his retinue of seventeen Trolls. The Troll King is a powerful Earth mage and armed to the teeth. The Troll King is in no way less powerful than his kin.
術者は、Troll Kingとその17名の随員に接触します。Troll Kingは強力な地の魔術師で、完全武装しています。Troll Kingは、その親族に全く劣らぬ強靭さを持ちます。
Acashic Knowledge †
This spell lets the caster tap information from the memory of the Spheres to reveal the presence of all magical sites in a given province. The spell cannot be used to find magic sites in enemy provinces.
Ether Gate †
This ritual opens a gate to the Astral Plane and summons a clan of Ether Warriors led by an Ether Lord. The Ether Warriors were banished from this world in ancient times. Their wars drained the world of Arcana and they were forced to enter other realms of existence in order to continue their clan wars. The lesser races and their gods sealed the Astral Gates to rid the world of the plague. Ether Warriors are, naturally, ethereal and thus very difficult to harm with non-magical weapons. They use Moon Blades, magical swords that cause additional damage to magical beings. When the gate opens vast powers are released and the magic level is increased in the province.
この儀式は、星幽界への門を開き、Ether Lord率いるEther Warriorの部族を召喚します。Ether Warriorは、太古の時代にこの世界から追放されました。彼らの戦争は神秘の世界を消耗させ、彼らはその部族戦争を続けるため、他の世界へ侵入することを強いられました。下等なる種族とその神々は、世界からこの疫病を取り去るために、星の門を封印しました。Ether Warriorは生まれつき霊体で、それゆえ魔法的でない武器で傷付けるのは非常に困難です。彼らは魔法生物に更なる損害を与える魔法の剣、Moon Bladeを用います。門が開かれた際には、膨大な力が解き放たれ、その州の魔法天秤が増加します。
Summon Ghosts †
Ghosts are the souls of slain humans summoned from the Underworld. Ghosts are frightening ethereal beings that can drain the life force from living beings.
Summon Spectre †
The necromancer summons the Spectre of a dead mage and binds it to his service. The Spectre has some skill in Death magic as well as other paths of magic.
Summon Sprites †
The caster summons six sprites to aid him. Sprites are small faeries with insect wings. They can fire elf shots, which will make their targets fall asleep. Sprites are magical beings.
Forest Troll Tribe †
The caster contacts a Troll Shaman and his retinue of fifteen Forest Trolls. The Troll Shaman is a cunning mage capable of using both death and nature magic. His magic combined with being a large troll make the Shaman a very formidable opponent.
術者はTroll Shamanとその15名の随員に接触します。Troll Shamanは、死と緑の魔法を使うことができる、狡猾な魔術師です。彼の魔法に、大柄なTrollであることが組み合わさることにより、このShamanは非常に手強い敵となります。
Contact Forest Giant †
This ritual summons a Giant and forces him to serve. Apart from being large and strong, giants are also very dumb and cruel. Encountering a giant in the wild should be avoided at all costs.
Contact Lamias †
The caster performs the rites necessary to summon Lamias, serpent women, to aid him. The more powerful the mage, the more Lamias will arrive to aid the caster. They have amazing regenerative abilities and when killed, will transform into black serpents and continue fighting. If a Lamia is killed a second time, however, she will remain dead.
Locust Swarms †
The caster unleashes swarms of locusts upon a province. The locusts will cause panic, consume crops and cause the loss of 100 pounds of gold in taxes. The swarms will appear as a natural event.
Contact Lamia Queen †
The caster performs the rites necessary to communicate with and persuade a Lamia Queen to aid him. The Lamia Queen is an ancient Lamia sorceress of great power. She carries an oath rod that will destroy the minds of those it strikes. The Lamia Queen has an amazing regenerative ability and when killed, will transform into a black serpent and continue fighting. If she is killed a second time, however, she will remain dead.
術者は彼を支援させるため、Lamia Queenと交信し、説得するために必要な儀式を執り行います。Lamia Queenは、歳を経たLamiaの強大な魔術師です。彼女は、打たれたものの星辰を破壊する宣誓の杖を持ちます。Lamia Queenは素晴らしい再生能力を持ち、殺されると黒い大蛇に変身して戦い続けます。しかし彼女が二度目に殺された場合、彼女は死んだままになります。
Living Fire †
The caster releases the powers of Fire and calls forth several mid-sized Fire Elementals. A powerful mage can summon larger numbers of elementals.
術者は火の力を解放し、幾らかの中型のFire Elementalを召喚します。強力な魔術師は、より多くの精霊を召喚できます。
Living Clouds †
The caster releases the power of the winds and calls forth several mid-sized Air Elementals. A powerful mage can summon larger numbers of elementals.
術者は風の力を解放し、幾らかの中型のAir Elementalを召喚します。強力な魔術師は、より多くの精霊を召喚できます。
Summon Asp Turtle †
The Asp Turtle is probably the most powerful beast encountered outside the deep gorges in the ocean. The turtle is normally peaceful and lives in relatively shallow waters. With this spell, an Asp Turtle is summoned, bound and turned into a very deadly killing machine. Its huge size and heavy armor make it easy for the turtle to kill smaller beings by trampling them.
Asp Turtleは、海の深い谷間の外で遭遇する中では、最も強力な獣であるでしょう。この亀は通常温和で、比較的浅い水域に住んでいます。この呪文により、Asp Turtleは召喚され、束縛されて、極めて危険な殺戮兵器へと変貌させられます。その巨大さと重装甲は、この亀がより小さな存在を蹂躙することで容易に殺すことを可能とします。
Summon Catoblepas †
The caster ventures into a deep and unwholesome swamp and summons a Catoblepas, a horrible beastly bull that breathes poison and whose gaze is death.
Living Water †
The caster releases the powers of Water and calls forth several mid-sized Water Elementals. A powerful mage can summon larger numbers of elementals. Water Elementals summoned in cold climates will be composed of ice. Ice Elementals are stronger but slower than Water Elementals.
術者は水の力を解放し、幾らかの中型のWater Elementalを召喚します。強力な魔術師は、より多くの精霊を召喚できます。寒冷な気候で召喚されたWater Elementalは、氷から成ります。Ice Elementalは、Water Elementalよりも強力ですが、より鈍重です。
Living Earth †
The caster releases the powers of the Earth and calls forth several mid-sized Earth Elementals. A powerful mage can summon larger numbers of elementals.
術者は地の力を解放し、幾らかの中型のEarth Elementalを召喚します。強力な魔術師は、より多くの精霊を召喚できます。
Summon Mound Fiend †
The necromancer summons and binds a Mound Fiend, an apparition able to reanimate the dead and curse humans with its hunger. The Mound Fiend is also a powerful Death mage in his own right.
降霊術士は、死者を蘇らせたり、人間に飢餓の呪いをかけたりすることができる亡霊、Mound Fiendを召喚し束縛します。Mound Fiendはまた、自身も強力な死の魔術師です。
Harvester of Sorrows †
A Harvester of Sorrows is summoned. The Harvester is a messenger of death and disease. It likes to stalk humans at night, feeding on their fears and pains. A province in which a Harvester of Sorrows has hidden itself will suffer an outbreak of disease and unrest. The Harvester will also stalk and spread disease among any military units in the province.
Harvester of Sorrowsが召喚されます。このHarvesterは、死と病の伝令です。彼らは夜に人間を付け回し、その恐怖と苦痛を喰らうことを好みます。Harvester of Sorrowsが自ら潜伏する州は、病の流行と不安に苦しみます。Harvesterはまた、州に居る軍人たちも付け回し、彼らに病を広げます。
Call Wraith Lord †
The caster summons a Wraith Lord from the Underworld to serve him. The Wraith Lord is the spirit of an ancient lord given physical form. Wraith Lords are immortal and will return from the land of the dead if defeated in battle. The Wraith Lord is a master of Death magic.
術者は冥界からWraith Lordを召喚し、彼に仕えさせます。Wraith Lordは、物理的な形態を与えられた、古代の王の魂です。Wraith Lordは不死であり、戦いで倒された際には、死者の地から帰還します。Wraith Lordは死の魔法の達人です。
Animal Horde †
The caster summons a horde of animals and binds them to his service. Different animals answer the call in different terrains.
Awaken Ivy King †
The mage awakens an ancient Ivy King and persuades him to serve him. The Ivy King is an ancient and powerful Vine Ogre skilled in Nature magic.
魔術師は太古のIvy Kingを呼び覚まし、彼に仕えるよう説得します。Ivy Kingは、緑の魔法に長けた古代の強力なVine Ogreです。
Living Castle †
The caster conjures a castle of living kelp and algae. The castle can only be created in a friendly sea. This spell cannot be cast above the waves.
Wild Hunt †
The caster unleashes the Wild Hunt upon the world. The Hunt is led by the Lord of the Hunt, an ancient deity of the wild roaming the woodlands in search of those who have offended the wild and its inhabitants. When the Hunt has been called, powerful priests of enemy faiths will be hunted down for as long as the Lord is not slain.
術者はWild Huntを世界に解き放ちます。この狩猟隊は、荒野やその住民を怒らせたものを探して森林地帯を徘徊する古代の荒野の神性、Lord of the Huntによって率いられます。狩猟隊が召集されると、Lordが殺されない限り、敵対する信仰の強力な聖職者たちは狩り立てられます。
King of Elemental Fire †
The caster calls upon the supernatural forces of Fire itself and summons one of the Kings of Elemental Fire. There were once three such beings, but since the fall of Catharsis, there are but two. The Kings are masters of Fire magic and are surrounded by blazing flames.
術者は火そのものの超自然的力に呼びかけ、King of Elemental Fireの一体を召喚します。かつてそれは三体存在しましたが、Catharsisの堕落以来、二体だけが残存しています。これらの王は火の魔法の達人であり、燃え盛る炎に囲まれています。
The Kindly Ones †
The caster unleashes the Erinyes upon the world. The Erinyes are three horrible spirits of vengeance that punish those who slay innocent women. In elder times, they upheld the ban against Blood magic, but they have since returned to the darkness whence they came. They are sometimes called the Eumenides, the Kindly Ones, but their true names are Avenger of Murder, Grudging Anger and The Unrelenting One. They will continue to hunt down murderers and Blood mages until the world is free of these evildoers. Sinners will hear the horrible baying of the sisters and madness will strike them unless they are found and most gruesomely slain by the sisters. The Kindly Ones remain in the world until the enchantment is dispelled or the three of them are slain.
Queen of Elemental Air †
The caster calls on the supernatural forces of the sky itself and summons one of the three Queens of Elemental Air. The Queens are masters of Air magic, can fly and are ethereal in nature.
術者は空そのものの超自然的力に呼びかけ、三体のQueen of Elemental Airのうちの一体を召喚します。これらの女王は風の魔法の達人であり、また飛行能力を持ち、生来の霊体です。
Queen of Elemental Water †
The caster calls the supernatural forces of the sea itself and summons one of the three Queens of Elemental Water. The Queens are masters of Water magic and difficult to damage when they are underwater. Unless they are completely killed in one combat round, they will heal all their wounds at the end of each round. Only one of the three Queens is able to leave the sea.
術者は海そのものの超自然的力に呼びかけ、三体のQueen of Elemental Waterのうちの一体を召喚します。これらの女王は水の魔法の達人であり、水中に居る彼女らを傷付けるのは困難です。1ラウンドの間に完全に殺されない限り、彼女らはラウンドの終わり毎にその傷を全て再生します。三体のうち、一体の女王だけが海を離れることができます。
Guardians of the Deep †
Sea monsters will help the local militia defend underwater provinces for as long as this spell is in effect. The monsters require some small degree of leadership and guidance, so a small local defence is required for the enchantment to have any effect. The global enchantment will last until it is dispelled or the caster dies.
Earth Attack †
A huge Earth Elemental will appear in a province of the caster's choice. Here, it will travel under the ground and search for enemy commanders. When it finds one, it will rise out of the ground and strike it down. The Earth Elemental disappears when it has completed this task or if it can't find an enemy commander. The elemental can only find targets that are grounded, thus floating beings will never be attacked by the elemental.
術者の指定した州で、巨大なEarth Elementalが現れます。彼はそこで地中を移動し、敵の指揮官を探します。発見できたならば、彼は地面から現れ、それを打ち倒します。このEarth Elementalは、その役目を果たすか、敵の指揮官を発見できなかった際には消滅します。このElementalは接地した標的しか見つけることができず、そのため浮遊しているものはElementalに襲われることはありません。
King of Elemental Earth †
The caster calls upon the supernatural forces of the Earth itself and summons one of the Kings of Elemental Earth. There were once three such beings, but since Pedoseion was tainted with blood sacrifices, there are but two Kings left. The Kings are masters of Earth magic in addition to being physically powerful.
術者は地そのものの超自然的力に呼びかけ、King of Elemental Earthの一体を召喚します。かつてそれは三体存在しましたが、Pedoseionが血の供犠によって穢されて以来、二体の王だけが残存しています。これらの王は地の魔法の達人であり、さらに身体的にも強力です。
Call the Eater of the Dead †
The Death mage uses ancient and unholy rituals to call forth the Eater of the Dead, a dreadful being once banished to the Void by the previous Pantokrator.
死の魔術師は、古き不浄なる儀式を用い、かつて前の全能者によってVoidへと追放された恐るべき存在、Eater of the Deadを呼び出します。
King of Banefires †
The caster calls upon the supernatural forces of Fire itself and summons Anthrax, the King of Banefires. Anthrax was once one of the Kings of Elemental Fire and known as Catharsis. He has since fallen, earning himself a new name and title in the process. The King is a master of Fire and Death magic and is surrounded by a sickly green blaze of banefire.
術者は火そのものの超自然的力に呼びかけ、Anthrax、King of Banefiresを召喚します。かつてAnthraxは、King of Elemental Fireの一体で、Catharsisとして知られていました。彼はその後堕落し、その過程で自らに新たな名前と称号を与えました。この王は火と死の魔法の達人で、破滅の炎の病的な緑の輝きに囲まれています。
Manifestation †
With this spell, an Ashen Angel is summoned with the promise of an opportunity to kill a commander in this realm and to bring his soul back to the Lord of the Netherworld. The Ashen Angel will appear in a province of the mage's choice. There is a 50 percent chance that a commander is deemed suitable for the Ashen Angel. If no suitable commander is found, the Angel will return to the mage and kill him instead. A commander who is horror marked runs a greater risk of being chosen by the Angel.
この呪文により、Ashen Angelは、この世で指揮官を殺してその魂を冥界の王へ持ち帰ることを見込んで召喚されます。Ashen Angelは、魔術師の指定した州に現れます。指揮官がAshen Angelに相応しい標的を見なされる確率は50%です。もし相応しい指揮官が見つからなければ、Angelは魔術師の下へ戻り、代わりに彼を殺します。Horror Markを受けている指揮官は、Angelに選ばれる危険性が高まります。
Well of Misery †
This mighty ritual is a blessing to units across the world. Diseases, old age, suffering and pains are all drained of some of their essence. All malign energies are siphoned from the world and concentrated in the Well of Misery, effectively giving the caster a huge income of magical gems of Death. Each month 21 death gems are generated. Tax revenue is also slightly increased in all provinces of the world. The spell lasts until someone dispels it or the caster dies.
この強力な呪附は、世界中のものにとっての祝福です。病、老齢、苦難、苦痛の全ては、その本質の一部を吸収されます。全ての悪しき力は吸引され、Well of Miseryへと凝縮されて、術者に多大な死の魔法の宝石の収入を与えます。毎月21個の死の宝石が生成されます。また、世界中の州で税収が少し増加します。この呪文は、誰かがそれを解呪するか、術者が死ぬまで持続します。
Wild Growth †
Vines and roots sprout from the ground, grabbing all enemies within reach. The stronger a victim is, the faster the vines will be destroyed and the more fertile the province is, the stronger the vines will be.
Faerie Court †
The caster summons a Faery Queen and tricks her into servitude. The Queen is accompanied by a court of Sprites and can summon more if necessary. The Faery Queen is skilled in Nature and Air magic and is a master of illusions. She has limited healing powers.
術者はFaery Queenを召喚し、彼女を騙して隷属させます。この女王にはSpriteの廷臣が同行しており、必要ならさらに召喚することができます。Faery Queenは緑と風の魔法に長けており、また幻術の達人です。彼女は限定的な癒しの力を持ちます。
Call Ancient Presence †
In the deepest parts of the most fearsome swamps there is something that devours everything that dares to enter. This is know as the ancient presence. It is very old and grows larger by incorporating the victims that it devours whole. No hero can stand against the ancient presence, it devours and incorporates anyone that gets close and only gets stronger by it. The ritual to call an ancient presence can only be performed in large swamp.
最も恐ろしい沼地の、最も深いところには、足を踏み入れるもの全てを飲み込む何かが存在します。それはAncient Presenceとして知られています。それは極めて古い存在で、それが丸呑みにした犠牲者を取り込むことで成長します。いかなる英雄であれAncient Presenceに立ち向かうことはできず、それは近付いたもの全てを飲み込んで取り込み、それにより強力になるのみです。Ancient Presenceを呼ぶための儀式は、大きな沼地でのみ行うことができます。
Call Abomination †
The caster summons an Abomination from the nether planes. The beast is huge and horrible to behold, capable of shredding the minds of weaker beings with its gaze.
Ghost Riders †
This spell summons 33 Longdead Horsemen led by a Wraith Lord of the Netherworld. The horsemen will wreak havoc upon a province of the caster's choice but are not otherwise under the control of their summoner.
この呪文は、冥界からWraith Lord率いる33体のLongdead Horsemanを召喚します。この騎兵隊は術者の選んだ州を散々に荒らしますが、それを除けば召喚者の制御下にはありません。
Legion of Wights †
The necromancer summons twenty Wights from the Underworld to serve him. Wights are powerful undead warriors armed with Bane Blades and heavy armor.
降霊術士は、冥界から20体のWightを召喚し、彼に仕えさせます。Wightは、Bane Bladeと重鎧で武装した、強力なアンデッドの戦士です。
Tartarian Gate †
The caster opens a gate to Tartarus and releases a dead Titan or Monstrum imprisoned in that horrible place. The Titans were gods in ancient times, but were defeated and imprisoned in Tartarus aeons ago. The dead Titan once had tremendous powers, but the imprisonment in the realm of perpetual pain might have destroyed the mind of the ancient god.
Awaken Tarrasque †
The caster awakens an ancient sleeping dragon.
Enchanted Forests †
All forests will start to whisper the hymns to the pretender that controls this enchantment. This will spread dominion to the places where false pretenders were worshiped. When a forest has the right dominion it will start to attack instead of whispering hymns. Enemies in that province or neighboring provinces will be attacked by forest creatures. A strong dominion or high growth scale helps the effectiveness of the attacks and wastelands are never attacked by the forest creatures. The spell lasts until someone dispels it or the caster dies.
Last Modified :2021-12-04 (土) 15:32:21 (1046d)